Review of Swingman Golf
For a while now we've been hearing really good things about Swingman Golf from multiple clients and partners of ours. I decided to put this program to the test. In this page I will lay out for you my experience and review.
Everybody wants to hit the ball farther. I myself have spent countless hours working on drills and techniques for the singular goal of greater distance. And I've had some good success. The Swingman Golf system intrigued me from the start because it is specifically designed to improve your distance.
About the Author of Swingman Golf
The author and creator of Swingman Golf is a guy by the name of Jaacob Bowden (no, that's not a misspelling; there really are two a's). He's got a long list of credentials, including winning the Pinncale Distance Challenge on TV with a 381-yard smash. I've known his name for a while because he has been a regular on the Most Popular Instructor top 100 list.
Being able to hit really long is one thing. Being able to teach others how to do it is another. Still more difficult is effectively teaching others digitally (through videos and text) how to hit farther shots. The program boasts producing "average" results of 30+ yards additional distance in 30 days.
What is Swing Man Golf Program?
The Swing Man Golf Program is a digital training program comprised of e-training books, pictures, audio-visual instructions, and instruction videos. I really like that the information is presented in a variety of formats. When I wasn't quite connecting with certain concepts through my preferred medium (videos), I was able to get different pointers and perspectives by using images and text.
I have spent a significant amount of time working on my swing speed in order to improve the distance of my shots. I've invested in and used many programs, tools, and private instruction specifically geared towards distance improvement. Despite all this, Swingman provided me with several excellent tips and drills that I hadn't heard of or used before.
There is a lot to digest in this program. The swing speed training is phenomenal. He covers everything I already knew from other professional trainers and swing speed programs, as well as some really great tips I hadn't heard before. Using these tips helped me reach a swing speed that was 4 mph higher than my previous record. As somebody who has trained extensively on swing speed, that was shocking!
In addition to the training focused on distance (including technique, balance, and timing), there is also some good short game training. The program also goes into some solid golf strategy, course management, flexibility (for golf), and mindset training.
What Kind of Results Can You Expect to Get from Jaacob Bowden's Swingmangolf Program?
As mentioned, the fact that I was able to increase my swing speed by a few miles per hour blew me away. I know I can learn to hit further, but I've also spent many years working on swing speed and distance. I didn't think a digital training would be able to teach me anything I didn't already know (or wasn't already doing), much less actually help to increase my swing speed markedly.
For somebody who hasn't worked much on swing speed, I am certain you could increase your swing speed by at least 10-15 mph in less than a month. Of course, this is contingent upon you putting in the effort and time to learn and practice.

What I Didn't Like About Swingman
The digital format is nice as long as you have access to the internet. But if you don't have access to the internet (when on an airplane, for example), you can't access any of the video or audio training, and only the ebook is downloadable. This is a bummer for me because I travel a lot and enjoy using the time on the airplane for things like this.
You really need to have a swing speed radar to get the most out of this training. This isn't exclusive to Swingman. Any training on swing speed should require regular measurements of your club speed so you can track improvements. Swingman sells a radar, or you can check out our favorite swing speed radars here.
This training isn't for beginners. Some of the training would be beneficial for beginners, but beginners simply won't be ready for the bulk of the training having to do with increasing distance.
Swing Man Golf Program Final Verdict
This is a really good program. I was pleasantly surprised with how solid and effective Jaacob Bowden's training is. It falls right in line with other professional instruction and training I've received, and even provides some very effective tips I hadn't heard before.
Again, if you're a beginner or are still figuring out your swing and consistent ball contact, I wouldn't recommend this program for you. The Orange Whip would be our recommendation for you. But for you intermediate players, you will see some drastic improvements using this program. Even you advanced players and those of you who have spent considerable time improving your club head speed, I'm confident you'll learn some things that will help improve your speed as well.