Golf Alignment Sticks
Proper alignment in golf is the cornerstone of all golf fundamentals. Why? Because even if you have a perfect swing and can hit the ball perfectly straight at the correct distance, if your alignment is off you are going to miss your target.
Golfers will spend hours and hours practicing at the driving range and on putting greens. They'll hit chip after chip, drive after drive, and putt after putt to improve ball contact and consistency. But most will look over something that will diminish, sometimes significantly, all of that other practice. Of course, I'm referencing correct alignment.
What is Alignment in Golf?
Put very simply, correct alignment means if you hit the ball perfectly straight, the ball will fly directly at the target you are aiming for. Incorrect alignment means if you hit the ball perfectly straight, it will not fly directly at the target you are aiming for.
More About Golf Alignment
Alignment refers to two important lines in golf: the line your feet make, and more importantly the parallel line the flight of your ball would follow if hit straight. Put a ball on the ground and get in your ready stance to hit the ball. Place a club on the ground with the shaft touching the very tip of your right and left feet. Now step away and notice the direction of the line of the club. Then imagine your ball is on a line parallel to the shaft of the club lying on the ground. These two lines make up your alignment.
Why is Alignment Important in Golf?
Working on correct alignment can do two very important things for you. And this applies to virtually every shot in golf, from driving to putting. First, it will make you more accurate. Second, it will reveal tendencies such as pushing or pulling the ball that you may be completely unaware of. Many golfers are surprised to learn that subconsciously their brain has adjusted their perception of correct alignment in order to counteract tendencies to hit the ball left or right. Knowing you have these tendencies is the first step to eliminating them.

What's the best way to improve my Alignment?
The very best and easiest way to improve your alignment is by using alignment sticks. Golf alignment sticks are the most simplistic training aid in all of golf, maybe in all of sports. They've been around forever and are an absolute staple in golf training. Every pro player you've ever heard of or seen has used alignment sticks and likely still uses them. They are very simple, but extremely effective.
What are the best golf alignment sticks?
Our favorite golf alignment sticks are the Callaway Alignment Stix. They fold down, similar to tent poles, making them easier to stash and transport. This also makes it possible to create all sorts of different patterns on the ground for more advanced drills. We also like that one end is pointed so you can stick them in the ground, either straight up or at an angle, depending on the purpose and drill.
How to Use Golf Alignment Sticks
There are many ways people use alignment sticks ranging from beginner drills to advanced. The most common way is to pick a target and lay one stick on the ground that is in line with the target. This stick is the ball line, and each ball you hit is placed an inch or two inside of this stick. The second stick is the toe line and is used to ensure your feet are properly aligned. After addressing the ball, the toe line stick should be equidistant to the front of the left and right feet. The toe line stick should also be parallel to the ball line stick.
Now that both sticks are laying on the ground parallel to each other, address the ball and get in your swing ready stance. If the ball line stick is in line with the target and your feet are equidistant to the toe line stick, you have achieved correct alignment. Now hit a bunch of balls and you will either uncover some hidden bad habits or find yourself hitting more consistently toward your target.

Can a Couple of Sticks Really Help My Alignment in Golf?
Absolutely. Not only can they help you, they WILL help you. Regardless of your skill level, if you consistently use alignment sticks as a regular part of your practice routine, it will pay big dividends on the golf course. We use them. We have our students use them. And we strongly recommend that you use them too.
Short answer: absolutely. Longer answer: scroll up and read the article on this page.
You will need two golf alignment sticks to do most of the common drills. Alignment sticks for golf typically come in pairs, and you will be fine with just one pair.
Get yourself some alignment sticks, pick a target and place one of the sticks on the ground in line with the target. Address the ball and place the second alignment stick a couple of inches in front of your feet. Now, keeping the second stick more or less in the same place, adjust it so that it is parallel with the first alignment stick. Place a ball just inside of the first stick, grab a club, and address the ball, making sure your feet are equidistant to the second stick. You've just properly aligned yourself for a golf shot.